1) Disney owns LucasFilms
2)George Lucas founded LucasFilms
3) LucasFilm was founded in 1971, 45 years ago.
4)Kathleen Kennedy is president of LucasFilm
5) The other films that LucasFilm have worked on are; All star wars films, Indiana Jones, Red Tails.
6) LucasFilm was sold for $4.05B paid in cash and half in Disney Stock.
7) The person who wrote 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens was George Lucas
8) The person who directed 'Star Wars: The force awakens' was JJ Abrams
9) Star Wars, Star wars: The empire strikes back. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Star Wars: The phantom menace, Star Wars: Attack of the clones, Star Wars: Revenge of the sith, Star Wars:The force awakens, Star Wars: VIII, Star Wars: IX. Overall there has been 7 Star Wars movies to date.
10) overall they have made up to $6,553,571,883 B
11) 1977 was when the first one was released.
12) ILM stands for Industrial light & magic.
13) ILM do visual effects and CGI
14) ILM was created by George Lucas
15) ILM was created so that they could bring characters to life that couldn't be played by humans
16) Casting directors organize and facilitate the casting for all actors for all roles in the film, this involves working closely with director and producer to understand their requirements.

17) The very first scenes were filmed in a desert near Abu Dhabi
18) the format that starwars was in was in IMAX,
19) The types of cameras used were; Film Cameras
20) The film studio mainly used for Star Wars: The force awakens was Pinewood.
21) Pinewood studios is in Iver Heath on Pinewood Road in the UK.
22) The major film franchise filmed here is James Bond.
23) The way this franchise links to Star Wars is that, Daniel Craig plays a storm trooper in a Cameo, and also Star Wars: The force awakens was filmed in James Bond Home studio.
24) The person who inspired the idea of Maz Kanatra is JJ Abrams old school teacher.
25) The way they made Maz Kanata was CGI and the modern VFX process
26) Lupita N'Yongo played Maz Kanta, she is famous for becoming the first Mexican and Kenyan actress.
27) General Snoke was played by Andy Serkis
28 & 29 ) Andy Serkis is renowned for playing Gollum in The Hobbit and Cesar in Planet of the apes, which all use the same technology
30) The final seen was set in Ahch, To Lonely Island
31 & 32) The person who composed all the films was John Williams, he has composed the songs for all 7 films.
33) John williams has also composed for Jaws, Schindlers list, saving private ryan, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones etc etc.
34 & 35) John Boyega auditioned for Star wars 9 time, these audtions took place over 7 Months
36 & 37) 1 person operated BB8 manually but others controlled individual parts, the main technology used for BB8 was the manual pushing technology with CGI and green screen.
38&39) the BB8 operater wore a Green suit at all times, he did this so that they could edit him out in the background.
40) The type of special effects used in Star wars the force awakens was CGI and Green screen, they also used IMAX cameras.
41) When Harrison Ford says ''Chewy were home'' Kathleenn Kennedy beleives there were 200 people behind her watching it on the monitor.
42) Simon Pegg was thanked in the credits because, he played the Troll that exchanged scrap for food, also he helped write it.
43) JJ Abrams used IMAX, which gives you the capability of filming much wider areas than on a 35mm standard film.
44) The age rating of the film was 12.
45) The goverment payed around 31.6 million, this is around 7% of the total figure.
46) Harrison Ford was payed 20 million USD, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega were payed 300K each, Harrison Ford was payed 76 times more than them.
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