Thursday, 17 November 2016

Using theory to inform your interpretations and argument.

Task 1 

Not always negative

This Perkins assumption states that not all stereotypes are negative and they may not be derogative of a group of people. In Hotel Babylon we see this where the Male from Africa is actually a fully qualified doctor, this stereotype of people from Africa/Asia being trained medics and very involved with medicine is not negative.

Not always about minorities or the less powerful

This Perkins assumption states that not all stereotypes are about minorities or less powerful groups in society and that there are stereotypes about the wealthy and more powerful. An example of this in Hotel Babylon is where the White man is in the position of power as an immigration officer with the police.
Another famous stereotype not in Hotel Babylon is where the British are well spoken and drink tea, eat biscuits and play croquet.

Can be held about ones group

This Perkins assumption is that stereotypes can be about yourself or anyone. This basically means that stereotypes about your group in society help you see how you are viewed by everyone else, and may allow you to see yourself from someone else's perspective.

Not rigid or changing

This Perkins assumption is where she believes that stereotypes and common views can be changed and altered. An example of this in Hotel Babylon is again with the African male doctor. Years ago people would of seen migrants as stupid, or uneducated, however nowadays we see people who have moved from abroad es educated and in some cases, cleverer than us.

Not always false

This Perkins assumption is where sometimes stereotypes are actually correct. An example of this in Hotel Babylon is where all the migrant workers are in unskilled and low paid jobs, this stereotype is very common as society believes they may not be clever or skilled enough to have a skilled managerial job, hence why all the migrant workers are in unskilled and very low paid work.

Task 2

Festingers idea of 'cognitive dissonance' basically says that we seek out conformation of our beleifs and stereotypes.

if you take this into account of shows and dramas like Hotel Babylon which heavily relies on modern stereotypes you can understand his viewpoint.
With Hotel Babylon being so heavily populated with stereotypes it makes it easy for the viewer to understand and comprehend as they are the views that we understand. this makes it popular because there is no inconvenience with it so the viewer can just watch.

Adding to this, the show basically confirms all of our views, this will give the viewer satisfaction as they do not feel challenged but they feel agreed with. This is the same with Doc Martin where we are not challenged with the city vs countryside intellectual stereotype.

Task 3

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